Social Performance
CTEEP’s Relations with their public are guided by ethics,with transparent dialogues, integrity in their relationships and concern for the environment.
GRI 4.14, 4.15, 4.16

CTEEP considers “social responsibility” as one of its core values, which means that the Company has pledged to continuously pursue sustainable development, while honoring the commitment undertaken towards all stakeholders (social actions with common or similar interests that affect or are affected by the Company’s activities). CTEEP`s relationships are grounded on ethical principles, transparent dialogues, integrity and concern with the environment.

Employees, government, clients, shareholders and investors, suppliers and society are the stakeholders with which the Company keeps relationships. The engagement with such stakeholders is made possible by means of the availability of communication channels and assistance, research development, participation in public hearings and events, disclosure of results and corporate social responsibility projects, thus strengthening its guidelines towards a strategic performance, involving long-term projects and initiatives.

Commitments with Interest Groups: