Human Rights

(GRI HR10)

CTEEP sees Human Rights as an inseparable part of its values and ethical principles, which govern all its business, and they pervade different aspects of the Company's activities From planning facilities to providing services as part of its routine activities, the Company prevents situations that may lead to violations of its stakeholders' fundamental rights and encourages other organizations to do the same by having integration meetings with suppliers, honoring its commitment to the Global Compact and taking part in corporate workgroups and events related to Human Rights.

CTEEP's concern about Human Rights is translated into a series of initiatives: projects geared to employee safety; health and quality of life initiatives; policies and procedures to ensure that employees are treated fairly and recognized for merit; a ban on any type of discrimination (age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc.); transparent procurement processes; measures requiring suppliers to be aligned with the organization's business principles; environmental protection; educational projects geared to living safely in the vicinity of transmission lines; among other initiatives.

As a result, all CTEEP's operations are assessed for their impact on Human Rights, whether through structured processes or through communication channels for reporting incidents and submitting queries about Human Rights issues. An example of these processes was the introduction in 2012 of a contract model for suppliers of goods and services containing clauses specifically related to Human Rights and the environmental issues. CTEEP revised these clauses in 2013, and a new version is expected in 2014.

As far as suppliers are concerned, CTEEP places great value on its transparent, ethical trust-based relationship with its 2,187 current suppliers. In addition, all companies interested in providing goods or services for CTEEP have to register on the Company's website and accept the Statement of Responsibility, which sets out CTEEP's ethical, social and environmental commitments.

The Company makes available for all its stakeholders Linha Ética (the Ethical Line), a hotline and a website for reporting violations of ethical standards and Human Rights, as well as submitting queries, criticisms and incident reports in general (0800 777 0775 or In 2013, 14 reports about different issues were submitted to Linha Ética. No identification is needed, and the status of the report can be checked with the report number. All information is examined and followed up on by the Ethics Committee in a confidential manner. (GRI HR11)

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©Copyright 2014 CTEEP
Company Paulista Electric Energy Transmission

Rua Casa do Ator, 1.155 - 04546-004 - Vila Olimpia
São Paulo - SP - Brazil - Phone: +55 11 3138-7000