Climate Change-related Risks
GRI 1.2, EC2

CTEEP`s top management remains alert as to the risks and impacts that climate change may bring about to the Company, in line with the guidelines set out by the ISA Group. The Organization assesses the likely changes in business management stemming from environmental aspects, as well as the incorporation of stricter environmental and social criteria within the regulatory scope, the configuration of the energy matrix and demands from society.

In addition to climatic events that may directly affect the Company’s operations, the possibility of generating energy from cheaper and more efficient residential generators is another aspect that may have an impact on CTEEP’s business and strategy in the upcoming years.

In this sense, the Company performs its activities in line with the agreement signed with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), by developing programs that promote its employees` education, with the purpose to minimize risks and indentifying opportunities to cope with the climatic changes. In addition to investing in projects geared towards the efficiency of procedures, the Company focuses on the opportunity to offer new technologies and services to the society, thus strengthening its competitive advantages within the market.