Statutory Audit Committee

(GRI 4.1)

The Statutory Audit Committee consists of up to five members5 and their respective alternates. The members of the Statutory Audit Committee two of whom are appointed by minority shareholders are elected by the Annual General Meeting for a one-year term of office and may be reelected.

It is the Committee's duty to monitor the Company's Management's acts; check compliance with duties stipulated by legislation or the Bylaws; provide its opinion on the annual management report; examine the trial balance sheet and the other financial statements prepared regularly by the Company; and examine and provide its opinion on the financial statements for each fiscal year.

Manuel Domingues de Jesus e Pinho

Antonio Luiz de Campos Gurgel; Rosangela da Silva; Flavio Cesar Maia Luz; Egídio Schoenberger.

João Henrique de Souza Brum; Luiz Flávio Cordeiro da Silva; Josino de Almeida Fonseca; Luis Carlos Guedes Pinto; João Vicente Amato Torres.

5 Resumes for the members of the Statutory Audit Committee can be found in the 2013 Reference Form, available on CVM's (the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission) website ( and in the Investor Relations section of the Company's website (

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Company Paulista Electric Energy Transmission

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