
(GRI 4.12, 4.13)

Global Compact

CTEEP has been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact since 2011. This decision reflects the Company's commitment to ten principles related to Human Rights, Labor Relations, Environmental Protection and Corruption Combat. In 2013, the Company submitted a new Communication on Progress (COP), a requirement to remain active in the network, and announced its progress in connection with these principles, to which it is committed. Additionally, the Company took part in the Global Compact Brazilian Network Survey about key global issues for sustainable development and attended the Global Compact Annual Network Meeting, in May. At that meeting, there were discussion groups about the commitments contained in the ''Letter of Corporate Commitment to a Green and Inclusive Economy''. CTEEP signed the letter in late 2012 and participated in the group that discussed corporations' contributions to education in Brazil.

Sustainability Reference Systems

in addition to the Global Compact, CTEEP voluntarily adopts three other sustainability reference systems that allow the Company to assess its management on a yearly basis, identify gaps and plan its initiatives: the Ethos Indicators for Sustainable and Responsible Businesses, the ISO 26000 standard - Social Responsibility Guidelines and Guia Exame de Sustentabilidade (Exame Magazine Sustainability Guide).

A new version (the 3rd Generation) of the Ethos Indicators was launched in 2013. CTEEP took part in two Workgroups created to review those indicators focusing on the introduction and applicability of the tool in organizations. Concerning ISO 26000, the Company continued its improvement initiatives as planned, reported to Grupo ISA on a quarterly basis, and made progress in aspects related to managing suppliers, measuring greenhouse gas emissions, promoting social responsibility in the Company's area of influence and acquiring knowledge about Human Rights.

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Company Paulista Electric Energy Transmission

Rua Casa do Ator, 1.155 - 04546-004 - Vila Olimpia
São Paulo - SP - Brazil - Phone: +55 11 3138-7000