Relationship with the Government and the Industry

CTEEP participates actively in forums and institutions intended to develop Brazil's electricity industry and has an close relationship with the main Government bodies.

The Company also has representatives on the Board of Directors, Committees and Commissions of the following government bodies and trade associations: ANEEL (the Brazilian Electric Energy Agency); ONS (the National Electric System Operator); ABRATE (the Brazilian Association of Large Electricity Transmission Companies); ABRACONEE (the Brazilian Association of Electricity Industry Accountants); ABDIB (the Brazilian Association of the Infrastructure and the Basic Industry) ABCE (the Brazilian Association of Electric Concessionaires); ABRASCA (the Brazilian Association of Publicly-Held Companies); CEPEL (Electric Energy Research Center); CierBracier (the CIER Brazilian Committee); CIGRÉ (the Brazilian National Committee for Electric Energy Production and Transmission); Instituto Acende Brasil; São Paulo State Department of Sanitation and Energy.

In order to maintain its independence from the Brazilian political scene, CTEEP engaged in no lobbying activities and made no financial or in-kind contributions to any political parties, campaigns or related institutions in 2013. In addition, the Company received no financial assistance from the government, except access to financing lines from public institutions and R&D grants, as explained in the Management Report. (GRI EC4; SO5; SO6)

Industry Events

To disseminate the knowledge acquired through research on cutting-edge technology, CTEEP participated in a series of electric industry events in 2013. Some of these events were:

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©Copyright 2014 CTEEP
Company Paulista Electric Energy Transmission

Rua Casa do Ator, 1.155 - 04546-004 - Vila Olimpia
São Paulo - SP - Brazil - Phone: +55 11 3138-7000