ISA CTEEP is constantly evaluating opportunities in the market for its growth and has made progress in this area. The Company's strategy consists of expanding its presence in the national territory through auctions and/or acquisitions with synergies with existing operations, respecting the minimum required return.
Since 2016, the Company has won nineteen lots in transmission auctions held by ANEEL, which add up to an ANEEL investment (weighted by the participation of ISA CTEEP) of R$ 15.8 billion with an increase in RAP (2024/2025 cycle) of around R$ 1.7 billion, after the assets come into operation. Until June 2024, around R$5.8 billion had been invested and eleven of the nineteen projects are in operation, totaling RAP (2024/2025 cycle) of R$651.8 million.
Another important avenue for growth is investment in reinforcement and improvement projects. In the last 3 years, the Company invested an average of R$800 million/year. The amount invested reinforces the commitment to generating sustainable value with projects that contribute to the expansion, security of the electrical energy transmission system, and energy transition in Brazil, thus consolidating the increase in capacity and modernization of its assets that began in 2020. Demands for investment in reinforcements and improvements are more concentrated in renewed contracts, as well as contract 059, in the state of São Paulo, from ISA CTEEP. Today the Company has R$5.0 billion in investments in projects already authorized by ANEEL and which will be carried out between 2024 and 2028. The renewal of assets is a fundamental tool for adequate management of the transmission system and guaranteeing excellent service provision, allowing reduction of operation and maintenance (O&M) costs, longevity of assets and has investment costs (CapEx) remunerated in accordance with Regulation.
Auctions | Project | Contract | Company | % ISA CTEEP | UF | Discount | RAP ISA CTEEP Cycle 2024/2025 (R$ million) |
Deadline ANEEL | Necessity Date1 | ANEEL CAPEX ISA CTEEP Participation (R$ million) |
Total CapEx ISA CTEEP until 03/31/2024 (R$ million) |
Environmental License (LI) | Initiation of Construction | Land Development4 |
Projects Development5 |
Entry in Commercial Operation |
013/2015 (oct/2016) |
Paraguaçú (Lot 3) |
003/2017 | IE Paraguaçu | 50% | BA/MG | 0,0% | 78,9 | fev-22 | jan-19 | 255 | 333 | 2Q19 | 100% | 100% | 3Q22 | |
Aimorés (Lot 4) |
004/2017 | IE Aimorés | 50% | MG | 0,0% | 49,4 | fev-22 | jan-19 | 171 | 198 | 2Q19 | 100% | 100% | 2Q22 | ||
Itaúnas (Lot 21) |
018/2017 | IE Itaúnas | 100% | ES | 25,1% | 59,5 | jun-22 | jul-18 | 298 | 374 | 3Q18 | 100% | 100% | 1Q23 | ||
005/2016 (apr/2017) |
Ivaí2 (Lot 1) |
022/2017 | IE Ivaí | 50% | PR | 33,2% | 178,1 | ago-22 | fev-21 | 968 | 1.050 | 4Q19 | 100% | 100% | 4Q22 | |
Tibagi (Lot 5) |
026/2017 | IE Tibagi | 100% | SP / PR | 32,2% | 14,8 | ago-21 | jan-17 | 135 | 118 | 3Q18 | 100% | 100% | 4Q20 | ||
Itaquerê (Lot 6) |
027/2017 | IE Itaquerê | 100% | SP / PR | 44,5% | 64,4 | ago-21 | jun-18 | 398 | 255 | 3Q18 | 100% | 100% | 3Q20 | ||
Aguapeí (Lot 29) |
046/2017 | IE Aguapeí | 100% | SP / PR | 52,7% | 76,6 | ago-21 | dez-18 | 602 | 363 | 3Q19 | 100% | 100% | 1Q21 | ||
Bauru (Lot 25) |
042/2017 | IE Jaguar 6 | 100% | SP | 57,6% | 14,5 | fev-21 | ago-19 | 126 | 63 | 2Q18 | 100% | 100% | 3Q19 | ||
002/2018 (jun/2018) |
Lorena (Lot 10) |
021/2018 | IE Itapura | 100% | SP | 73,9% | 16,8 | set-22 | jan-20 | 238 | 126 | 3Q19 | 100% | 100% | 4Q21 | |
Biguaçu (Lot 1) |
012/2018 | IE Biguaçu | 100% | SC | 66,7% | 50,7 | set-23 | set-21 | 641 | 456 | 1Q21 | 100% | 100% | 3Q22 | ||
002/2019 (dec/2019) |
Minuano (Lot 1) 6 |
001/2020 | Evrecy | 100% | RS | 66,9% | 50,2 | mar-25 | jan-20 | 682 | 556 | 1Q22 | 100% | 90% | 3Q22 | |
Três Lagoas (Lot 6) |
006/2020 | IE Tibagi | 100% | MS / SP | 68,1% | 7,6 | set-23 | jan-20 | 99 | 87 | 2Q21 | 100% | 100% | 2Q22 | ||
Triângulo Mineiro (Lot 7) |
007/2020 | IEMG | 100% | MG | 65,4% | 40,5 | mar-25 | jan-20 | 554 | 510 | 1Q22 | 100% | 100% | 3Q23 | ||
001/2020 (dec/2020) |
Riacho Grande (Lot 7) |
005/2021 | IE Riacho Grande | 100% | SP | 57,9% | 88,4 | mar-26 | jan-26 | 1.141 | 280 | 4Q23 | 100% | 66% | - | |
001/2022 (jun/2022) |
Piraquê (Lot 3) |
008/2022 | ISA CTEEP | 100% | MG / ES | 46,8% | 325,8 | set-27 | jan-26 | 3.654 | 861 | 3Q24 | 4Q23 | 85% | 26% | - |
Jacarandá (Lot 6) |
011/2022 | IE Jaguar 8 | 100% | SP | 59,2% | 15,3 | mar-26 | mar-26 | 232 | 26 | 2Q24 | 4Q23 | 54% | 32% | - | |
001/2023 (jun/2023) |
Serra Dourada (Lot 1) |
006/2023 | ISA CTEEP | 100% | BA/MG | 44,8% | 305,6 | mar-29 | immediate | 3.157 | 119 | 3Q25 | 3Q25 | 27% | 12% | - |
Itatiaia (Lot 7) |
012/2023 | ISA CTEEP | 100% | RJ/MG | 41,8% | 235,6 | mar-29 | immediate | 2.342 | 57 | 3Q25 | 3Q25 | 26% | 14% | - | |
Água Vermelha (Lot 9) |
014/2023 | IE Tibagi | 100% | SP | 50,4% | 8,0 | set-26 | jan-26 | 94 | 6 | 2Q24 | 2Q24 | 100% | 28% | - | |
Total (19) | 47,2% | 1.680,7 | - | - | 15.785 | 5.838 | 15.785 | 5.838 | - | - | - |
1 According to the concession contract.
2 Land Advancement: evolution of released properties.
3 Land Advancement: evolution of released properties.
4 Project Progress: evolution of all activities related to the project until its energization.
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Updated on July 31, 2024.