2024/2025 RAP Cycle

Ratification Resolution 3,348 was published on July 16, 2024, establishing the new RAP for ISA CTEEP and its subsidiaries and wholly-owned subsidiaries for providing transmission installations that are part of the Basic Network and of the Other Transmission Installations for the 12-month tariff cycle from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 (2024/2025 cycle). The resolution consolidated the results of the tariff revisions of agreement 059/2001 and those auctioned with RTPs estimated for 2023 and 2024, mentioned in the previous sessions of this document, in addition to incorporating the effects of the tariff cycle adjustment.

2024/2025 RAP Cycle1

2023/2024 RAP Cycle

Pursuant to REH 3,348/2024, the RAP of Consolidated and subsidiaries under common control, net of PIS and COFINS², changed to R$5,936.4 million for the 2024/2025 cycle, weighted by ISA CTEEP’s stake, as of June 2024. Of this amount, 56% represents the RAP from the Parent Company’s renewed contract (059/2001), including retrofitting projects, RBSE indemnity and the O&M portion of the contract. In addition, 44% of the RAP refers to agreements resulting from transmission auctions or acquisitions (M&A), with (i) 27% of projects in operation, i.e., with active RAP; (ii) 17% of projects under construction, which should earn revenue for the Company over the coming years.

The resolution also defined the amounts of the Adjustment Portions ("PA"), to be offset in the same period, to deal with any financial adjustments. The amount corresponding to the adjustment portion (PA) of the Consolidated and wholly-owned subsidiaries was R$345.5 million for the 2024/2025 cycle and R$126.1 million for the 2025/2026, 2026/2027, and 2027/2028 cycles, as shown in the table below:

Adjustment Portion

1 Measurement PA has already been provisioned by the Company and should not impact the result for the cycle.

Thus, the value of the RAP, including the amounts corresponding to the PA of the Consolidated and companies under shared control, net of PIS and COFINS², changed to R$5,936.4 million for the 2024/2025 cycle, weighted by ISA CTEEP’s stake.

Evolution of the RAP Cycle¹ (million)

RAP Cycle Evolution

¹ Considers the amounts established at the time of publication of the respective Ratification Resolutions of RAP for the tariff cycles.
² Except for agreements 020/2008 and 143/2001, which total R$37.7 million, 0.6% of Total RAP of the Company.

The Permitted Annual Revenue of 2024/2025 cycle, with and without PA, decreased by around R$278.4 million (-4.5%) and R$45.1 million (-0.7%), respectively, compared to the previous tariff cycle (2023/2024). The main factors for this variation were:

  1. inflation adjustment for the 2024/2025 cycle (IPCA), totaling R$258.8 million
  2. new retrofitting projects that went operational in the last cycle, adding R$14.0 million
  3. movement/depreciation of the shielded base of retrofitting and improvement projects of the first RTP of the contract (-R$64.1 million)
  4. new retrofitting projects recognized in this year's RTP process, adding RAP of R$133.9 million
  5. reduction of the economic component of RBSE, resulting from the movement of the RBSE base defined in the RTP, reducing the RAP by R$363.1 million
  6. reduction of O&M revenue from contract 059/2001, according to the trajectory defined in the contract's RTP
  7. tariff review of the auctioned agreements (-R$1.8 million).
  8. other adjustments, which consider (i) reduction of the RAP of the Centro Substation, after the asset bidding process (-R$3.1 million); and a 50% reduction of the prorated RAP established in agreement 004/2007 (IEMG).

Concession agreements acquired until the 2018 auction establish the right to indemnity on assets not depreciated at the end of their term. As of 2019, only assets authorized by ANEEL, through retrofitting projects, are entitled to indemnity.

Below is a summary of the RAP for the 2024/2025 cycle, including R&D regulatory charges, Energy Services Inspection Fee (TFSE) and Global Reversal Reserve (RGR), but net of the Energy Development Account (CDE) and the Incentive Program for Alternative Sources of Electricity (PROINFA), and net of PIS and COFINS. Click here to access the table.

Rap Cycle 2024/2025

1 Refers to the reduction in Subestation Centro's RAP, according to the 8th amendment of contract 059/2001, set out in item of NT 105/2024.
2 Reduction of 50% of the pro-rata RAP provided for in the concession contract, from the 15th year onwards from the date of entry into commercial operation.

Updated on October 7, 2024.