Since its inception, ISA CTEEP has invested around R$ 15 billion in reinforcement and expansion of its transmission system, developing projects to increase the transformation capacity, building and renovating transmission lines, among other reinforcements.

In 2018, the total amount of R$ 438.6 million has been invested altogether by ISA CTEEP and its subsidiaries in reinforcements, new connections, upgrades and revitalizations. 

All enterprises are authorized or tendered by ANEEL, defined by the Energy Research Company (EPE) and the ONS, and monitored by the State Department of Energy and Sanitation (SEES), responsible for and involved in investments in electric power transmission in the State of São Paulo.

The planning for the expansion of the Brazilian electrical system is consolidated based on the Ten-Year Transmission Plan and the Transmission Expansion Program (PET), with a five-year horizon. PET is the result of studies developed by EPE along with Industry Agents, through Regional Transmission Study Groups.

The Extension and Reinforcement Plan (PAR), with a three-year horizon, is developed by the National Electrical System Operator (ONS), based on a short-term vision.

Updated on March 1, 2019.