We have spent 53 years connecting countries and improving the quality of life for millions of people. That is our great responsibility.

And we assume by demanding from ourselves, our partners and allies the same level of excellence that has earned the trust of all. To honor the way we have come, we must commit ourselves again to all that we have yet to accomplish.

We become aware that we are all do part of the whole. Humanity and the world pose increasingly challenges. Now our effort must be to turn our acquired experiences  into new answers to these new challenges. Understanding that when we connect one point to another, we are connecting people, making each connection an inspiring act.

If we are aware that we are all one, there is connection. If we are sure that our well-being is linked to everyone's, there is connection.

The phrases that contemplate our Manifest:

  • If we are aware that we are all one, there is connection.
  • If we are sure that our well-being is linked to everyone, there is connection.
  • If we know that excellence is the result of the effort we dedicate to each action, there is connection.
  • If we recognize that our planet is fragile and we have to take care of it, there is connection.
  • If we realize that our actions, however small, impact, there is a connection.
  • If we find that in each of us is the change we want to see in the world, there is connection.
  • If we know that a result of excellence is the effort dedicated to each action, there is connection.
  • If it moves us to know that we are made for great challenges, there is connection.
  • If we commit to constructive and responsible participation in decision-making, there is connection.
After half a century, we renew ourselves, creating connections. One after another. Without borders. Without barriers. This is our legacy for future generations. We are convinced that if there is connection, there is life. 


Updated on February 24, 2022.