Operating in a diverse range of countries, ISA is firmly established as one of Latin America’s major international energy transporters.

ISA is a Latin American group of companies present in Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia and Central America. Through its affiliates and subsidiaries, it designs, constructs, administers and operates transmission line infrastructure systems for electricity and telecommunications. In the medium term, ISA also plans to develop business related to gas and roads.

In the electricity sector, the ISA group controls ten companies: in Colombia, ISA, TRANSELCA and XM (Compañía de Expertos en Mercados); in Peru, ISA Perú, REP (Red de Energía del Perú), TransMantaro and PDI (Proyectos de Infraestructura del Perú); in Bolivia, ISA Bolivia; and in Brazil, the subsidiaries CTEEP (acquired through the holding company ISA Capital do Brasil), and Interligação Elétrica Pinheiros and IESul (Interligação Elétrica Sul), acquired through CTEEP.

In Brazil, in association with other regional partners, ISA has investments through CTEEP in the power companies IEMG (Interligação Elétrica de Minas Gerais), IENNE (Interligação Elétrica Norte e Nordeste) and IEMadeira (Interligação Elétrica do Madeira).

In Central America, the group holds 11.11% of EPR (Empresa Proprietária da Rede), which is constructing the Central American Electrical Interconnection System (SIEPAC). Together with ETESA (Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica de Panamá), ISA is carrying out technical and environmental viability studies for the electrical interconnection of Colombia and Panama.

In the area of telecommunications infrastructure, ISA is present in Colombia with its affiliate INTERNEXA S.A. E.S.P., through which it holds investments in TRANSNEXA S.A. (Empresa Multinacional Andina), based in Ecuador, and INTERNEXA S.A., in Peru. These ventures integrate Colombia’s telecommunications network with those of other Latin American countries, making up INTERNEXA, the region’s only dedicated carriers’ carrier in telecommunications infrastructure. The group’s companies offer their customers an ample portfolio in the electricity business, with investments of over US$ 2 billion. In December 2008, its consolidated assets totaled US$ 6.4 billion, and its revenues, around US$ 1.4 billion.

ISA has consolidated its position as Latin America’s largest energy transporter with over 38,000 kilometers of high-voltage grids.